lunes, 11 de enero de 2010


We receive presents on 25th Decembre or/and on 6th January. When we receive our presents, we get up early to open them.

Santa Clause gives the presents to the children on 24th Decembre and the three wise men on 6th January.

If a child has been naughty during the year, the three wise men or Santa give coal to this child.

At Christmas there is Spanish nougat. It is made of chocolate, almonds, sugar and honey.
Juan, Eli y Celia


In Spain is a tradition to celebrate ye new year’s eve with the family an friends with a dinner.
It is a date when people meet their family and friends this day we eat chicken, seafood and expensive things, and we toast with champagne.
At 12 o’clock at night people eat grapes when de bell chimes 12 to have good luck.
After eating the grapes young people go to the disco or party with their friends.
On new year’s eve we can watch tipical music programs on the tv.
On new year’s day we meet to have lunch with the family.

David López
Sara López
Sandra Ramírez

domingo, 10 de enero de 2010


We buy presents at Christmas .

We buy the presents at a shopping center during one week or in the morning when the children are at school.
We wrap the presents with wrapping paper.
We put them on the sofa and underneath the Christmas tree. There are parades where the three wise men and Santa Claus throw presents to the children. We buy them to our family. At the beginning of December we do our Christmas shopping. We usually buy clothes, toys or games. We expect to get money from our grandparents, games from our parents and clothes, videogames and money from our uncles. On the night of 24 December we meet our family and they give us money. We give the presents in the morning of 25 December and the 6 January of the three wise men come and give us more presents. We open the presents when give them us.
Guillem, Andrés y Joan


Christmas carols are typical in Spain; for example bell after bell; this is our favourite song. The typical instruments to play Christmas Carol are tambourine and bells. The music is religious.They are sung at Christmas.

Aroa, Aida y Padmy

jueves, 7 de enero de 2010


In our town the streets are decorated with shinning lights.We have a big Chirstmas Tree,bells,stars,tinsels,etc…

We always decorate the house for Christmas,with a chritmas tree,a Belen a plate with a candles,cards from the family and friends.

On the door we put mistletoe.
We start to decorate the house on 10th December and we finish on 23rd December.

In door we put mistletoe and a Santa Clause.
We make a Belen.It is a recreation of what happened the night Jesus was born.There is a figure of man are sitting,which is funny for the children.
The traditional Christmas colours in our city are:Red,White,Gold and Silver.

Clara,Alba and Inma 3ºC

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

La -història de la ciutat de València/The History of the city of Valencia

Laura Caballero

Pobresa zero/

Som la primera generació que podem acabar amb la pobresa
Quin paper vares jugar? Vas ser ric? Vas ser pobre? O el teu país es trobava en vies de desenvolupament? La sort estigué del teu costat?

El passat 30 d'octubre tot el món a l'institut jugàrem a un joc que intentà conscienciar a la gent sobre l'estat del món.
En classe, abans del pati, dos professors han intercanviat els nostres esmorzars per papers de colors. Escrit trobàvem en quina part del món ens havia tocat viure. Alguns eren persones riques, els quals podien menjar-se qualsevol dels esmorzars que havien recol·lectat. Altres érem persones que viviem en països en vies de desenvolupament i podiem menjar-ne alguns dels esmorzars. Els últims eren els pobres, qui no tenien res per a menjar. Tan sols les ONGs els donaven unes molles de pa. (La gent de teatre de l'institut varen tindre el paper d'ONGs o el de policia per fer l'activitat més realista. Finalment, la gent pobra es revel·la contra les injusticies viscudes i entraren dins de l'habitació on es trobava el menjar,
Una de les coses que va reflectir la realitat van ser el gran nombre d'esmorzars que sobraren, igual que la gran quantitat de menjar que s'aboca al fem tots els dies. Des del meu punt de vista m'alegre d'haver-ne sigut pobre solament mitja hora de la meua vida. Va ser una activitat molt educativa que hauria de fer-nos reflexionar molt.//

We are the first generation that is able to end poverty
Which role have you played? Were you rich? Were you poor? Or was your country developing? Have you had good luck?
Last Friday 30th of October everybody in the school took part in a “game” which was made to raise awareness about the state of the world.
In class before the break some teachers change the lunch by a piece of colourful paper. Everybody has their own role. Some were the rich people of the world and they were able to eat any of the sandwiches that had been collected. Other were people who live in developing countries and they could eat some of the sandwiches. The last one, the poor people, didn’t have anything to eat. Only the ONGs took them some crumbs of bread. (Theatre people played the role of the ONGs or the police to make everything more realistic). In the end the poorest people rebelled against the injustice and go into the room where the meals were.
One of the things that captured the reality where the huge number of sandwiches left over, like the amount of food that we throw away everyday. From my experience I feel lucky for being poor just for half an hour. It was a very educational activity that should make us think about it. By Clara Bordes